Your life’s not bad, but it’s not great either.

There’s a sense of emptiness that keeps bothering you, but you can’t quite put the right actions in place to change it.

Let’s get your life in order together, and finally transform yourself into the person you know you can be in 3 months!

Hi, friend!

What would it be like to…

Take back control of your time, focus, create your life narrative, and wake up with a sense of childlike eagerness.

Close down your work laptop for the day and feel excited about going home into your newly re-designed creative corner where you’ll spend the rest of your evening sketching out ideas for next month’s seasonal stickers that you’ll sell in your very own Etsy store.

Hop onto a Zoom call scheduled by your new client on a Saturday afternoon where you have intentionally created an intimate & safe space to help support them in their healing journey through your unique spiritual gifts and years of professional training combined.

Finally integrate your creative passions back into your day-to-day and honor all parts of you.

Focus on meaningful & purpose-driven priorities with a tailored framework and flexible structure created without you having to figure it out on your own.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

— Carl Jung

Client Stories

Coaching Areas of Focus

Here are 3 areas that I can help you with

Tawn Le Passion Project Side Hustle Coach

Launching Passion Project

  • You have a passion project or side hustle you want to do, but it hasn’t gone anywhere. You are overwhelmed and can’t seem to get started.

  • Through collaborative and action-oriented approach, we will set goals & objectives towards engaging and launching a version of your Passion Project / Side Hustle within 90-days.

Tawn Le Productivity Habit Ritual Coach

Consistency & Execution

  • You know what matters, but you can’t seem to take the right actions or build lasting rituals for big lifestyle changes that reflect what you care about.

  • Through collaborative and action-oriented approach, we will leverage a mindfulness-based approach to set goals and strategies, engage in updating your day-to-day structure with accountability plans for 90-days.

Tawn Le corporate burnout coach self discovery coach

Getting Unstuck

  • You’re experiencing overwhelm with your day-to-day, feel directionless and lack clarity in making long-term decisions. Your sense of purpose is unclear and creating meaning is hard.

  • Through collaborative and action-oriented approach, we will set goals & objectives while using mindfulness-based approaches to uncover current challenges and build a plan that includes exercises and day-to-day restructure to get you unstuck in 90-days.

The Boundless Blueprint is a 90-day 1-on-1 Intensive to overhaul your day-to-day structure and unleash your fullest potential.

Elevate your approach to living and up-level yourself while balancing work and rest.

Doing it alone is daunting, with a coach (me!) you can…

🌟Transform into a 9-5 Super Star

Unleash your hidden potential to conquer the world of launching your part-time Private Practice, Etsy Store, etc.

🔓Escape the DIY Trap

With your tailor-made Boundless Blueprint, you can finally turn your interests into a focused passion project and get excited about your week again, or restructure the way you live that gets you out of bed.

❤️‍🔥Take Control of your Life

Break free from constant overwhelm and get the right tools to tap into your own well of energy and live your purpose-driven life your way. 

If this sounds like you, then ‘The Boundless Blueprint’ helps you understand why reaching your goals can be so difficult AND works to support you in conceptualizing a strategic structure & roadmap from the ground up!

You will not be doing this alone.

By combining traditional wisdom with modern tools & practices, here’s how we will do it:

Phase 01. 🔍 Re-Assess

We first assess your current interests & passions, home environment, how you personally manage your day-to-day, and get a well-rounded understanding of what you value.

By understanding your goals, how you’re currently operating, and looking at your home environment, we can start to identify gaps preventing you from implementing your passion project, side hustle, or how you manage your day-to-day optimally.

We do this first so you have a deep understanding of self & environmental energy. This can then help you leave the past behind, and get you ready for the next step quickly!

90-Minute Intro & Assessment Session
60-Minute Phase 1 Recommendation Session

Phase 02. 🚧 Plan

During this phase, we create another iteration of your personalized holistic blueprint that is more in-depth and now includes project consultation and feedback, and design recommendations (through the lens of Feng Shui) based on your goals and vision discussed in Phase 01.

You’ll have a curated organizational blueprint, easy practices and tools that can be integrated into your day-to-day life (i.e. time to journal, ground, ideal schedule for passion work, etc.).

The benefit of doing this phase next is now you have a a clear plan of action to execute immediately. This is where the changes happen!

45-Deep Dive Check-In Session
60-Minute Design Guidance Session

Phase 03. 🤔👍 Modify

As you embrace your new lifestyle and implement changes, it can be challenging. Life's unexpected events, such as illness or family crises, can disrupt your journey, making the Modify Phase a crucial refinement stage.

The benefit of experiencing this phase after the Plan, is to ensure you’re creating sustainable practices and plans towards your goals of designing AND taking practical actions while also knowing how to navigate during difficult situations.

60-Minute Phase 2 Modification Session
3x 30-Minute Check-In Calls weaved in

➡ And we’ll do this in a 90-day, 1-on-1 transformation where we meet virtually and you’ll get unlimited Voxer chat support.

Gain purpose & control in your life and finally launch a new chapter of your life with a personal or professional project in 90 days or I keep working with you until you do!

Discover how to wake up inspired and drive your own life.

*There’s no obligation to work with me, and there’s no payment when you book this exploratory call.

Why coaching is so powerful

You are 95% more likely to succeed by directing accountability to a third party.

— American Society of Training & Development study

Coaching v. Therapy

Coaches help clients plan for the future with task-based plans, while therapists explore past experiences to understand current challenges. Both are very complimentary to one another.

In The Boundless Blueprint, we are focused on creating and implementing your custom strategic plan that can help you achieve your goal.

Energy Management Strategy

In ‘The Boundless Blueprint’ we take a ‘bottom-up’ approach. Without shifting our energy first, it’s very hard to make lasting and impactful changes we want for ourselves. As a busy professional looking to integrate your passion project or just make a major shift in your life, energy management becomes even more important.

We believe that how you do anything, is how you do everything. If you want to start a side hustle for example, we need to begin re-assessing all parts of your life and create changes that will be foundational and supportive of your new venture.

My philosophy is that your strategic plan must be based on knowing how to navigate your own self & environmental energy before you proceed to manage your time and projects. When you’re in a pivot period, this in-between moment calls for deeper work.

When we understand where we are and where we want to go and who we want to be with our North Star, then we can manage our time with flexibility and constraints that life throws at us.


Through 1-on-1 support, you will…

✔ Complete the 3-Phase Process of Re-Assess > Plan > Modify

✔ Implement mindful systems where you actively AND consistently work towards your goal

Unlimited Voice and Text support via Voxer

✔ Get custom Design Guidance for goal-oriented environments.

Overcome obstacles & challenges through reflection & feedback

✔ Receive your personal PDF workbook with a visual Self & Space Roadmap

Hi, I’m Tawn
and I’ve been where you are


Before I took my ‘Adult Gap Year’ in 2018, I last worked at Amazon (and before that, a few of the largest global advertising holding companies) and was running and managing teams across multiple timezones and countries based in NYC. So when it comes to the never-ending stress of ‘putting out fires,’ early morning & late nights at your desk, and eating your lunch over the trashcan so you can run to the next meeting…I definitely know the feeling.

Because by the time I got home, I had nothing left to give to myself and the people I loved. I often felt numb and was just moving through the motions.

But things changed once I started to get more mindful with my energy and the concept of energy management and how that translates to how I operate in my day-to-day life.

I started to reconnect to myself, understand my energetics and how to move with it rather than against it. Which, in turn, led me to being more intentional in creating a strategic structure & action plan that helped me live rather than just exist.

While I was working at Amazon, I started to lean into my interests and hobbies like posting up my silly stick figure drawings on Instagram, reconnecting with my childhood creative endeavors and also made room to study topics that I found interesting like metaphysics and philosophy. Since then, I’ve been able to find unique opportunities that got me from W2 to living a 1099 & self-employed life. During my time working in the healing arts after I left my job, I would get tactical questions from clients interested in how I made my move, and what I did. This is how The Boundless Blueprint was born.

And that’s something that I want to help with you now.

Time and energy is limited, and the sooner we can start mastering energy management in your day-to-day, the sooner we can get back to forming healthy & exciting relationships with ourselves and really drive our lives in the most aligned way possible.

If this is something resonates with you, I’d love to to work with you.

Kind words

Tawn possesses a unique combination of strengths: a swift, tactical organizational understanding, as well as a deep intuitive empathy.

She provides a perspective to recognize and acknowledge what your subconscious is calling out.

She works non-judgementally, holding space to collaborate together on tactical solutions to allow you to create space and time for yourself.

Jenelle B.

First, Tawn brings a joyous energy to every call, I can’t help but feel energized and ready to make these changes.

I feel so much ease and excitement knowing that I’m embarking on an endeavor that I’ve been wanting to do for YEARS that has felt too big, too far away. This is the best investment I’ve made in myself. It’s more than google calendars and to-do lists. Real shifts are happening because of the way Tawn explains the driving force behind why I should schedule/track my life in certain ways that are complimentary to me as an individual!


Dayonna T.

The Boundless Blueprint is for you if:

➡ You know what you’re passionate about and want to turn it into a side hustle OR you have this undeniable feeling of starting over, but you're not sure where to start.

➡ You feel directionless despite already achieving expected milestones in life

➡ You are ready to break free from unhealthy routines and commit to a flexible structure that helps you manage your energy so you can accomplish everything you want.

➡ You find yourself hesitating to take the initial step towards pursuing your dream because of the fear of failure.

➡ You feel overwhelmed and are concerned that starting a side hustle seems like an impossible dream due to your current commitments and responsibilities, which leave you with limited time.

➡ You're seeking accountability and support from someone who has experienced similar challenges and successfully overcome them.

➡ You’re looking to find meaning & purpose in the things you do

➡ You've noticed your declining energy, well-being, and overall health because you’re not reaching your full potential, leading to uninspired, numb, and detached days.

➡ You want to become the person who consistently prioritizes the act of caring for your passion in a sustainable way

➡ You are navigating and reconciling cultural dynamics such as family responsibilities versus your own self commitments & dreams.

What’s the cost of being constantly overwhelmed & busy?

➡ Let’s be real, how much longer can you go on like this?

Your precious time & energy are the most limited resources you have.

➡ Wouldn’t it be nice if you could spend time & energy on you? And as a result, truly honor yourself by integrating and living all the parts of yourself and forming a healthier relationship within.

➡ Start living passions out loud in your life even if you have a 9-5 job

The sooner you start, the sooner you can get the skills & structure to manage your energy that’s liberating to your being.

Why start now?

Imagine three months from today…

✔ You’re heading into your local coffee shop on Saturday with your cup of delicious latte and laptop opened to a fresh Google doc where you begin your writing process for next week’s blog post.

✔ You’re consistently engaged in rituals & activities that nourish your soul,

✔ You have the ability to manage your to-do list and calendar with skillful focus & ease despite what life throws at you,

and you’re actually doing the thing that you’ve set out for yourself!

How amazing would that be?


  • -90-Minute Intro & Assessment Session

    -60-Minute Phase 1 Recommendation Session

    -60-Minute Design Guidance

    -45 Minute Deep Dive Check-In Session

    -60-Minute Phase 2 Modification Session

    -3x 30-Minute Check-In Calls

    -Unlimited Voxer chat support

    Our intent here is to schedule every session (total of 8x sessions) within a 1-2 week period from one another to have momentum to make these changes while also giving yourself room to do homework and integrate new rituals and tools. Additionally, Voxer chat will also be available in between sessions as a support.

    Through 1-on-1 online (via Zoom) support we will re-design a structure and strategy around your personal organization and environment that allows you to build a balance structure to manage energy daily and a framework to prioritize.

  • Coaching and consulting is a collaborative and customized approach to your personal development in reaching your goal.

    It can provide you with the guidance, support, and expertise needed to overcome challenges, maximize your potential, and achieve your goal of truly integrating your passion project, finally developing and starting a side hustle, or making big lifestyle changes to fit a desired outcome.

    My style is holistic and solutions oriented meaning we will dive into the different dimensions of your well-being (emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, etc.) and also the current environment you’re living through (i.e. work, home, etc.), in addition to planning how you will reach your goals.

  • Coaching focuses on setting and achieving goals that’s usually related to personal or professional development, while therapy addresses psychological issues and emotional healing.

    Coaches help clients plan for the future with task-based plans, while therapists explore past experiences to understand current challenges.

    Coaching clients are often high-functioning individuals seeking improvement, while therapy clients may be dealing with mental health issues or emotional distress.

  • We work from “Energy Precedes Matter” perspective

    We focus on energy because it’s the one thing that leads to common issues like burnout, stress, and anxiety.

    It’s a resource that many people do not consider as part of a strategy, project, and overall health and vitality.

    To recharge, we need to recognize the costs of energy-depleting behaviors and then start making changes - this is something that I help people learn, develop, and implement into their lives as both a consultant and a coach.

    My approach is both logical & practical while also very spiritual in nature - especially for clients who want to integrate a regular spiritual practice in their life to help them pursue their passions more sustainably.

  • Environment plays a big part in how you shift into the person you want to be - I use Feng Shui as part of our Design Guidance.

    Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging objects and spaces in a way that promotes balance, harmony, and positive energy.

    In my practice, I will combine both traditional and modern practices Feng Shui.

    Traditional Feng Shui is rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs about the interconnection between humans and the natural world, and it puts more importance on concepts such as Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and the flow of energy (which is something we also take a look at in ‘The Boundless Blueprint’.

    Modern Feng Shui, on the other hand is more focused on practical results.

  • If we are a good fit, we will start working together and set a passion project or side hustle goal to achieve during our first assessment call.

    I will work with clients for the allotted 8 sessions (about 90-days) to achieve that goal or I will continue to work with you as long as client follows policies and program requirements like completing homework in a timely manner, not cancelling scheduled calls or re-scheduling calls under 24 hours more than 1x, etc.

    Policy includes stipulation for continued work beyond the program’s allotted 90-day / 8 sessions.

    I take sessions seriously and genuinely want my clients to succeed and expect that same level of energy from those I work with.

    If you’re not 100% ready to commit, then this may not be the best fit.