3 Steps to Manage Your Energy


I’ve always been one of those people who had planners, journals, and loved frolicking in the stationary store (hence the recent New Moon event we had called ‘Get August-Organized Together!’).

And that ability to keep a calendar pretty darn straight somehow followed me into the working world. It’s something I’m proud of, and something I’ve found helpful to keep me less ‘all-over the place’ and grounded.

However, as organized as I was, I still struggled with constantly feeling tired. And it wasn’t until recently that I figured out how much faster my physical body could recover when compared to all those years I was constantly pushing through - pushing through being sick, burning the midnight oil to meet deadlines, willing my energy through sleepiness so that I could show face at another event…

Back then I used to power through with the consequences being longer recovery time (I didn’t know it at the time) and built up resentment.

Eventually, I turned to healthy coping mechanisms as a way to alleviate my frustrations, and through this process (therapy, body work, various healing modalities, etc.), I was slowly able to take back the reigns so to speak.

What I learned and noticed during this time was the wisdom of nature, and the law of change being constant. Given that we are nature…our body, too, follows the same dynamic - to work against it, rather than with it, will result in instability. We need to build in a way to recharge our battery through rest & reflection so that we are able to take action with a full battery & clear mind.

I found that moving through cycles of passivity and activity more applicable in my life because it helped me manage not only my time, but my ENERGY better.

Because without energy, it's really hard to clearly see your own needs, values, and priorities.

One of the reasons why I really love being a Reiki practitioner is that so often I am part of people's Step1. And while getting through Step1 is not overnight kind of work and requires a lot of intention from the client, it is the beginning of really forming the energy and spirit behind creating change.

Below are some ideas that you can use to go through the cycle of managing your energy.

Step 1 - Reclaim & Recharge your Energy

This is when you have low energy - you’re tired all the time and when it’s not managed, this is the time when irritability shows up or susceptibility to getting sick.

Everyone is different, so finding the right stuff that works for you is key.

A few ideas that can really help you Reclaim and Recharge:

  • Sleep. This is usually my #1. If you’re having a hard time falling asleep or getting a full night of rest, consider seeking out a professional and/or start integrating small Restorative practices (see next bullet)

  • Restorative Practices & Services that makes you feel absolutely full and rested. Massage, Acupuncture, Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, etc. You can also download available apps like Headspace and Calm or even go onto Youtube for accessible meditation and yoga.

  • Social activities. We are social beings, and being in a supportive and loving group can help recharge our batteries.

Step 2 - See Clearly, Form Insights

When you’re more grounded and have given yourself space to recover, you begin to see a bit more clearly. This is where mindfulness practices can help.

A few ideas that can help:

  • Form a consistent practice of reflection. This may look differently for everyone, but this is where you give yourself time to observe — often times people will describe this as getting to really hear their inner voice

    • Journaling

    • Mind mapping feelings

    • Sketching


Finally, when you have these clear thoughts, that's when you make the magic happen! When we take action from inspiration or from a place of understanding your true why,

And of course, when you’re finished, you will then start back at 1 (like that one Brian McKnight song).

I hope this provided some ideas that you can take to help you with managing your energy & time.


3 Ways to Reclaim your Childhood Fun


Reiki Space Tour - Astoria, Queens