3 Ways to Reclaim your Childhood Fun

Recently, I was asked the question of how one could get more ‘creative’ again. To which I responded back with…"well, why DO you want to be creative? What's the point?"

And the answer I got back was similar to what I hear often from those who feel, to put it bluntly, ‘dead inside.' There's this knowing that if you can tap into that creative part of you…you can achieve some sort of joy again. But what IS it exactly? And what ways can you (re)discover those joyful moments again?

One way to discovering your creativity is being mindful of what you do and Reclaiming your Childhood Fun!

Before I list 3 ways you can think about reclaiming your childhood fun as an adult below, here's my hot take on joy & creativity and why I think it's important:

Feeling less dead inside is always a good thing. 

It's good for you, and it's good for those around you.

Integrating creativity can lower your stress levels from life & increase your ability to feel more peaceful. 

Below you’ll find a few questions that you can ask yourself to start re-discovering and re-claiming your childhood fun as an adult.

  1. As a kid, what did you love doing?

    Did you like drawing? Writing stories? Playing with your Easy Bake oven?

    Use these loves as indicator of what you can explore as an adult. You can find virtual or in-person classes & workshops to get back into these interests. One of my favorite ways of exploring this is going to Eventbrite and seeing all the stuff happening in my area.

  2. As a kid, what did you look forward to?

    Were you excited about that PBJ you were about to eat? Did you love Field Day at school?

    As an adult, you can begin experimenting with new and old recipes, or find local intramural teams centered around childhood games as examples to ways to bringing up those feelings.

  3. As a kid, what did you love doing with your friends?

    Was it putting together a dance routine? Creating a puppet show? Playing basketball? Riding your bikes over to each other's house?

    Now that you’re older, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do these things. There are dance and theatre studios that cater to adults, and also local meetup groups with a plethora of interests that you can begin diving back into.

Want to tap into your creativity and rediscover your passion and purpose? Check out The Boundless Blueprint private coaching (click here) to learn more about how we can work together and design life changing shifts in 90-days!


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