Change yourself, Change your Home

There’s a saying that we all know, “you are who you surround yourself with,” and the same essence of that statement can be applied to your environment. When we change our environment, we inevitably change parts of ourselves.

Now, is changing our environment for the bad, good or somewhere in between? It all depends.

When I teach my Energy Management Framework, I will always note that the environment is a bit harder to change. Some of it is out of our control because of whatever circumstances; however, for the parts that we can control, it’s worth the investment of your time and energy.

Applying very simple Feng Shui concepts in our home or work environment can help us alter our surrounding energy. The goal here is to create as much balance and harmony as we can with which period we are in our lives.

For example, a person who is a student will have a very different ideal bedroom than a person who is wanting to have a baby. It can be the same bedroom, but the layout and the objects will differ in order to create a certain vibration or harmony. Feel the difference?

So let’s jump into the 5 Steps to begin changing for this future you!

Step 1 - Imagine your future self

Close your eyes for a moment. Take 3 rounds of breath. Now, think about where you want to go and who you want to become.

Step 2 - Explore the surrounding

When you’re imagining that future you, start to add in what that ideal environment looks like. Walk through that surrounding, how does the space feel, what’s the color scheme, what are the pictures on the wall, etc.

Step 3 - Open your eyes.

In your current 3D environment, does your space reflect that? If it does, amazing, keep maintaining it.

Step 4 - If not…

Write down ways that you can update your space in the next 48 hours to reflect that.

Step 5 - Make the updates in 48 hours

Why am I suggesting 48 hours? Because that’s enough time to made tiny adjustments, and tiny adjustments matter and where the magic can begin.

For example, if you notice that your space is cluttered, I’d use the 48 hours to tidy up. If your smoke detector is still beeping, you have 48 hours to get new batteries. Your space is feeling dead? How about add an inspirational picture or object.

Yes, Feng Shui can get very complicated when it comes to an entire analysis of the space, geographical environment and more, but what’s firstly helpful and the easiest to do is begin introducing good chi or flow in your environment to harmonize with you. You do this by respecting the space as a living being first, and then begin updating it as if the ideal future you were to occupy the space in the next 48 hours.


When to Feng Shui your Space


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